Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Face Book in the great beyond

So... I was doing some facebook stalking today - looking around to see if anyone is up to anything intersting. I was also mourning for my friends Judith and Jason as I wondered around the net. I noticed somthing interseting. My friend Judith is still getting face book messages from friends... Judith died last year.

What a great outlet for people to articulate their own lament. It was her birthday the other day and she got messages from friends all over the place. I never got to know her as well as I would have liked to, and time and circumstance didn't allow us this relationship but... I mourn her passing, and the hole that is left in everyone that knew her.

I actually briefly thought about how they can call it heaven when they don't have facebook there but then... that isn't the promise is it? The promise is that one day all will be made right and for now... we live in hope of that day when all of creation is gathered up. When all that is wrong is right.

Seeing these messages helped me believe it... I believe that one day there will be this full gathering in. In this moment... I believe it. I do believe that one day Judith will answer these facebook messages... (and she won't even need facebook to do it... oh what a day that will be!)

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