Thursday, March 13, 2008

Still running

Well... I'm not Forrest Gump but I run... I'm not smart about wearing warm clothes or anything like that but I do run.

I'm also feeling extra pastoral. There was a person that I meant to talk to for a long time and have been avoiding it because of how awkward it is to start a conversation sometimes but then I did and he talked too and then it seems like hey.. maybe there is something to this whole pastor game...

1 comment:

Erik Parker said...

Good on ya! If you were in Calgary you would be running in shorts and a T-Shirt.

I sound like a broken record, but CPE at Alberta Hospital was really good for teaching us how to ask those intrusive pastoral questions. The patients were all used to a lot of intrusive counseling type folks so and the whole point of being there as a chaplain was to talk about mental illness and crime... At the same time, taking to mentally ill people can be one of the most awkward things to do.

But yay, for getting to those internship experiences under your belt.